Pierre Chuard
Concordia University, QC, Canada
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
I'm a PhD student in my last year at Concordia University Department of Biology in Montreal, Canada. I am co-supervised by two fish behavioural ecologists: Professors James Grant and Grant Brown. Their fields of expertise are competition/agonostic behaviour and predation risk/chemical ecology respectively. My ambitious PhD project aims to explore the combined effects of competitor-to-resource ratio, tempo of predation risk and sex on competition for different resources (i.e. mates, food). My interests for this project focus primarily on the interactions between these factors on competition, but also on identifying any potential recurring competitive patterns independent of resource type.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
While female guppies freeze, male guppies show off: the effects of operational sex ratio on mating competition under acute and chronic predation risks (#150)
2:45 PM
Pierre J-C Chuard
CONCURRENT SESSION: Chemical communication: behaviour, ecology and evolution (Symposium)
Effects of competitor-to-resource ratio and predation on competition in the guppy (#689)
5:00 PM
Pierre J-C Chuard
Tuesday Poster Session