Chair: Mike Webster
Experimental dissection of the interaction between social links and foraging behaviour (#124)
3:45 PM
Adaptive diurnal timing of predation by a mosquito-specialist predator (#125)
4:00 PM
Warning signal variation in the nudibranch mollusc Goniobranchus splendidus (#126)
4:15 PM
Picky eaters among wild, fearful birds are influenced by social cues (#127)
4:30 PM
Quantifying the behavioural ecology of fear: understanding the role of habitat fragmentation on predation pressure and prey behaviour via the automated monitoring of a sentinel species (#128)
4:45 PM
Look who behave like true insect hunters: voles and mice (#129)
5:00 PM
Are males more scared of predators? Differential increase in metabolic rate between males and females under risk of predation. (#254)
5:15 PM