Budget comparison of Common Buzzard Buteo buteo and Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus on the wintering grounds (#834)
observations of two sympatrically wintering buzzards were made in the Liwiec River valley in eastern Poland. Percentage
of time spent on particular type of flight differed between both species.
Soaring and hovering were more often used kind of air activity by Rough-legged
Buzzard, while Common Buzzard more frequently used flapping flight. Perching
was the main form of hunting in both buzzard species. However, Rough-legged
Buzzard more
often sit on the ground and rarely used fence post in comparison to Common
Buzzard. Regression models
showed that weather conditions affected the activities of both species in
different way. Snow depth negatively correlated with time spent on the ground
and positively with time of perching on a tree in Common Buzzard. Wind speed positively
affected the time spent on flapping and hovering and negatively the perching
time on a tree in Rough-legged Buzzard. These results support the hypothesis
that different techniques of exploitation of the same food resources are
connected with reduced interspecific competition.