Paul Hemsworth
The University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Paul Hemsworth is a professor at the University of Melbourne and is Director of the Animal Welfare Science Centre, a joint centre of The University of Melbourne, Monash University, the Department of Primary Industries (Victoria) and The Ohio State University. He is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Animal Science, The Ohio State University. Paul is most recognised internationally for his research on the role of human-animal interactions on farm animal welfare and productivity. He has also collaborated with numerous colleagues studying the influence of a wide range of husbandry and housing systems on farm animal welfare and productivity. Paul has more than 150 peer-reviewed full publications and he teaches undergraduate and postgraduate subjects on animal behaviour and animal welfare at the University of Melbourne.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Who's looking at who in the zoo? The effects of visual contact with zoo visitors on black-capped capuchin behaviour and welfare (#252)
4:30 PM
Sally L Sherwen
CONCURRENT SESSION: Applied ethology: Exploring our impact on animals (Symposium)
What are hens looking for? Preference testing for structural elements in free-range chickens (#559)
1:45 PM
Hannah Larsen
CONCURRENT SESSION: Applied ethology / Human influences on behaviour: climate change, habitat alteration, etc.
Identifying inanition in lambs in feedlots (#248)
3:30 PM
Maxine Rice
CONCURRENT SESSION: Applied ethology: Exploring our impact on animals (Symposium)